The P-OKR Process

Predictive OKR supports OKR in your organisation with a specialised prediction market.

For the weekly task management you simply keep on using your existing task management software and project management tool. Even a spreadsheet will do. Here is a simple template, inspired by Christina Wodke's excellent primer "Radical Focus".

OKR Planning

Start simple. Companies starting out with OKR should agree on just one objective. An objectives each for more management tiers can be added with the next OKR cycle.

Select objective. In a chain of deliberative strategy sessions by team and tier:

  1. Initial diagnosis (Glads/Bads/Mads)

  2. Brainstorming of possible quarterly objectives

  3. Shortlisting and deliberation of three of these

  4. Selection of "the one" objective by systemic vote

Select key results.

Finding the right key results for the objective is usually a challenge. Prediki has the solution: create a prediction question for each proposed key result. Writing its judgement rule will automatically lead you to good key result definitions. After the question's opening auction, you will see directly the result level which challenges your team with the recommended 50/50 stretch goal level.

OKR Check-InS

Before check-in. Ask your team to check and adjust their predictions for the key results before the weekly (or bi-weekly) OKR check-in meetings and comment on their reasons. Leaders can see forecast changes visually on Prediki's charts and think of solutions before the meeting.

During the week. The team can adjust their predictions anytime as tasks progress and events occur. Forecasts adjust in real time. Prediki automatically notifies leaders and team members of material forecast changes, so all hands can think of corrective action in their domain.

OKR Review

Prediction settlement. At the end of the three-month OKR cycle, question owners can enter actual results. Every prediction of every team member is evaluated for accuracy and leaders can find insights about reasons for hits and misses through Prediki's qualitative analysis tool.

Superforecasters. Over time, Prediki recognises which users are good in estimating result levels and will give more weight to their forecasts and comments. Management can incentivise the OKR prediction market to reward accurate and timely forecasts.